International Publications
International Publications
Publications (Abstracts)
1- Pamuk E, Şen D, Pamuk S: The effect of different surface treatments on bond strength of precious alloys. 73rd General session of the International Association for Dental Research 28 Jun-1 July 1995, Singapore. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 74 Abstract No:245.
2- Şen D, Pamuk H, Pamuk S, Ertürk N: Effects of surface treatments on the shear bond strength of laminates. 75th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 19-23 March 1997, Orlando, FL. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 76 Abstract No:447.
3- Şermet B, Şen D, Bilgin T, Ertürk N: Dimensional stability of elastomeric impression materials. 75th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 19-23 March 1997, Orlando, FL. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 76 Abstract No:1349.
4- Çetiner F, Şen D, Pamuk S: Effects of bleaching on the shear bond strength of sandblasted enamel. 77 th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 10-13 March 1999, Vancouver, Canada. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 78 Abstract No:1444.
5- Yaylalı D, Şen D, Pamuk E, Çetiner F: Retention of bacteria on provisional crown and bridge resins. 78th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 5-8 April 2000, Washington, D.C. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 79 Abstract No:386.
6- Şen D, Pamuk E, Çetiner F: Effect of water immersion on transvers strength of provisional crown and bridge resins. 78th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 5-8 April 2000, Washington, D.C. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 79 Abstract No:1779.
7- Şen D, Pamuk E: The effect of bonding resins on shear strength of laminates. 79th General session of the International Association for Dental Research 27-30 June 2001, Chiba, Japan. Journal of Dental Research Vol. 80 Abstract No:1826.
Publications (Articles)
1- Şen D, Poyrazoğlu E, Tuncelli B: Shear bond strength of resin luting cement to glass infiltrated porous aluminum oxide cores. J Prosthet Dent 83:210-5, 2000.
2- Şen D, Nayır E, Pamuk S: Comparison of the tensile bond strength of high-noble, noble, and base metal bonded to enamel. J Prosthet Dent 84:571-576, 2000.
3- Şen D, Nayır E, Çetiner F: Shear bond strength of amalgam reinforced with a bonding agent and/or dentin pins. J Prosthet Dent 87:446-450, 2002.
4- Şen D, Göller G, İşsever H: The effect of two polishing pastes on the surface roughness of bis-acryl composite and methacrylate resins. J Prosthet Dent 88:527-532, 2002.
5- Şen D, Poyrazoğlu E, Tuncelli B: The retentive effects of prefabricated posts by luting cements. J Oral Rehabil 31:585-589, 2004.
6- Sınmazışık G, Şen D, Tuncelli B, Poyrazoğlu E, Özkal B, Öveçoğlu ML: A comparative study of the effect of different polishing systems on ceramic dental surfaces. Key Engineering Materials 264-268:1997-2000, 2004.
7- Şen D, Sınmazışık G, Poyrazoğlu E, Tuncelli B, Özkal B, Öveçoğlu ML. Effects of different acid treatments on dental ceramic surfaces. Key Engineering Materials 264-268:2035-2038, 2004.
8- Şen D, Akgüngör G. Shear bond strengths of two composite core materials after using all-in-one and single-bottle dentin adhesives. J Prosthodont. 14(2):97-103, 2005.
9- Akgüngör G, Aydın M, Şen D, İşsever H. Clinical efficacy of Vector-system in excess cement removal during fixed prosthodontic treatment. Quintessence Int. 39:139-146, 2008.
10- Akgüngör G, Şen D, Aydın M. Influence of different surface treatments on the short-term bond strength and durability between a zirconia post and composite resin ore material. J Prosthet Dent. 99:388-399, 2008.
11- Turp V, Şen D, Poyrazoğlu E, Tuncelli B, Göller G. Influence of Zirconia base and Shade Difference on Polymerization Efficiency of Dual-Cure resin cement. Journal of Prosthodontics 20(5):361-365, 2011.
12- Turp V, Tuncelli B, Şen D, Göller G. Evaluation of hardness and fracture toughness, coupled with microstructural analysis, of zirconia ceramics stored in environments with different pH values. Dent Mater J. 31(6):891-902, 2012.
13- Akgüngör G. , Şen D. , ‘ Occlusal Surface Reconstraction With Chairside Ceramic Onley Using CEREC Biogeneric Ddesign Mode Case Report’ , Key Engineering Materials , Vol.493 , pp.594-598 , 2012
14- Akgüngör G. . Şen D. , ‘ Anterior Sİngle Laminate Veneer Restoraion Using CEREC Biogeneric Rerefence Design Mode Case Report ‘ , Key Engineering , vol.493 , pp.601-604, 2012
15- Turp V, Şen D, Tuncelli B, Özcan M. Adhesion of 10-MDP containing resin cements to dentin with and without the etch-and-rinse technique. J Adv Prosthodont. 5(3):226-33, 2013.
16- Akgüngör G, Şen D, Bal E, Özcan M. Simultaneous Replacement of Maxillary Central Incisors with CEREC Biogeneric Reference Technique: A Case Report. J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects. 7(2):112-8, 2013.
17- Turp V, Şen D, Tuncelli B, Göller G, Özcan M. Evaluation of air-particle abrasion of Y-TZP with different particles using microstructural analysis. Aust Dent J. 58(2):183-91, 2013.
18- Turp V, Akgüngör G, Şen D, Tuncelli B. Evaluation of surface topography of zirconia ceramic after Er:YAG laser etching. Photomed Laser Surg. 32(10):533-9, 2014.
19- Turp V. , Akgüngör G. ,Şen D. , Tuncelli B. ‘Evaluation of Surface Topography of Zirconia Ceramic After Er-YAG Laser Etching ‘ , Photomedicine and Laser Surgery , Vol.32 , pp.533-539 , 2014
20- Ayyildiz S, Emir F, Pak Tunc E, Sen D. Shear bond strength of various luting cements to fixed prosthodontic restorative materials. Appl Adhes Sci. , 3(1):1-10 , 2015
21- Pak Tunc E, Chebib N, Sen D, Zandparsa R. Effectiveness of different surface cleaning methods on the shear bond strength of resin cement to contaminated zirconia: an in vitro study. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology., 30(5):554-565 , 2015
22- Pak Tunç E. , Chebib N. , Şen D. , Zanparsa R. , ‘ Effectiveness of Different Surface Cleaning Methods on Shear Bond Strength Of Resin Cement To Contaminated Zirconia : an in Vitro Study’ , Journal Of Adhesion Science and Technology , Vol.30 , pp.554-565 , 2016
23- Pak Tunç E. , Ayyıldız S. , Şen D. , ‘The Effect of MDP-based Primer On Shear Bond Strength Of Various Cements to Two Different Ceramic Materials’ , Journal Of Adhesion Science and Technology’, No.10, pp.1142-1150 , 2016
24- Ayyıldız S. , Pak Tunç E. , Emir F. , Şen D. , ‘ Microscopic Evalution of the Thickness and Structure Of The Cement And Cement –dentin Interdiffusion Zone After Luting Posts Wıth Three Different Luting Cements’ , Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology , Vol.30 , pp.1049-1058 , 2016
25- Turp V. , Gültekin P. , Şen D. , ‘ Influence Of Monolithic Lithium Disilicate And Zirconia Thickness On Polymerization Efficiency Of Dual-cure Resin Cements’, Journal Of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry, Vol.5 , pp.5-10 , 2018
26- Özer F , Pak Tunç E. , Esen Dağlı N. , Ramachandran D. , Şen D. , Blatz M. , Shear Bond Strength Of Luting Cements to Fixed Superstructure Metal Surfaces Under Various Seating Forces’ , Journal Of Advanced Prosthodontics, Vol.10 , pp.340-346 , 2018
27- Sönmez N. , Gültekin P. , Turp V. , Akgüngör D. , Şen D. , ‘Evalutaion Of Five CAD-CAM Materials By Microstructural Characterization and Mechanical Tests : A Comparative in Vitro Study ‘ , BMC Oral Health , Vol.18 No.1 , pp.1-13, 2018
28- Bahadirli Pirbudak G. , Yilmaz S. , Jones T. , Şen D. ‘ Influences of Implant And Framework Materials On Stress Distribution: A Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Study’ , International Journal Of Oral& Maxillofacial Implants , Vol.33, pp.950-954 , 2018
29- Özer F. , Turp V. , Şen D. , Blatz M. , ‘ Effect Of Thickness and Surface Modifications on Flexural Strength Of Monolithic Zirconia’ , Journal Of Prosthetic Dentistry, Vol.15 , pp.987-93 , 2018
30- Türkoğlu P. , Şen D. , ‘Evaluation Of Dual-cure Resin Cement Polymerization Under Different Types And Thicknesses Of Monolithic Zirconia’ , Bİomed Research International , Vol.9 , pp.1-9 . 2019